Only rises: How is it achieved?

6 min readDec 17, 2023


In the dynamic realm of cryptocurrency, asset volatility commands the utmost attention of investors. The team behind AlwaysWin has unveiled the WIN token, asserting a seemingly unattainable goal: a token that exclusively appreciates, defying any depreciation. This audacious claim is backed by a series of sophisticated mechanisms and algorithms. Our exploration will unravel the technical underpinnings of this assertion and evaluate its prospective influence on the broader digital economy.

Pricing mechanism and Destruction

The valuation of WIN tokens is governed by an innovative formula that considers the initial USDT reserve coupled with WIN’s circulating supply. This model stipulates that WIN’s price is intrinsically linked to the SWAP protocol’s initial USDT reserve and the available quantity of WIN in circulation. The elegance of this formula lies in its simplicity and effectiveness; it aligns the WIN price directly with market dynamics, ensuring a price trajectory that is designed to ascend without the possibility of decline. The ‘Only Up, Not Down’ principle is primarily enforced through ‘raffle destruction’ and ‘transaction destruction.

Raffle Destruction** pertains to the systematic raffle events conducted by the community, wherein WIN tokens are required for participation. Each of these events amplifies WIN’s utility by adding real-world use cases and incorporates a burn mechanism that annihilates a fraction of the WIN tokens in circulation. This strategic reduction of the circulating supply adheres to the economic principle of supply and demand, asserting that a decrease in supply naturally propels the token’s value upwards, all while keeping the USDT reserve static.

Let the variable Cb denote the quantity of WIN tokens eliminated by the Raffle pool, and Pb indicates the price of WIN subsequent to Raffle participation. Concurrently, the variable R, present in the aforementioned pricing formula, remains unaffected by the Raffle’s token destruction activity; hence, the value of WIN is subject to an increment:

*Transaction Destruction** is integral to the trading dynamics of WIN tokens. Each time WIN is exchanged — be it for USDT or vice versa — a fixed rate of 0.35% of the WIN involved in the transaction is permanently removed from circulation. As a result, each transaction contributes to a gradual reduction in supply. This consistent diminishment of available tokens inherently influences WIN’s valuation formula, invariably resulting in an uptick in its price.

The price of WIN before a transaction is:

where,P0 = initial price of WIN

C0= circulating supply of WIN before the transaction (excluding WIN reserved in the SWAP protocol)

R0= USDT pool reserve in the AlwaysWin SWAP protocol before the transaction

The subsequent explanation details the transaction mechanism when a designated amount of USDT is deposited into the SWAP protocol, subsequent to which the price of WIN is determined as follows:


It can be easily calculated that:

where, PR = the price after a certain amount of USDT enters the SWAP protocol and a transaction occurs

Below is an illustration of the transaction process when a specific quantity of WIN is channeled into the SWAP protocol, after which the resulting price of WIN is articulated as:

where, (△C-0.35%△C)*P0=△R-0.35%△R

It can be easily calculated that:

where, PC = the price after a certain amount of WIN enters the SWAP protocol and a transaction occurs

This architecture ingeniously capitalizes on the transactional dynamics to foster a steady appreciation of the price. When USDT is introduced into the SWAP protocol, the subsequent transaction elevates the price of WIN; likewise, the injection of WIN into the protocol triggers an increase in its price. This self-regulating mechanism guarantees that WIN’s pricing trajectory is consistently upward without any downturns.

This remarkable development can be attributed to the distinctive automatic market maker (AMM) pricing policies of AlwaysWin. Through sophisticated mathematical modeling and precise algorithms, the AlwaysWin developers have engineered a rarity in conventional markets: an asset with an intrinsic propensity to appreciate. Yet, the true brilliance of this technology is not merely its complexity; it lies in its problem-solving prowess. The innovative pricing strategy for WIN has the potential to reshape prevailing perceptions of cryptocurrency volatility and appeal to investors who are particularly volatility-averse. It represents a more stable investment alternative and has the potential to set a new precedent in cryptocurrency investment strategies.

In summation, the AlwaysWin team has pioneered a novel trajectory for WIN token’s value appreciation via cutting-edge SWAP mechanisms and strategic token destruction approaches. This paradigm is a novelty in cryptocurrencies, potentially offering a fresh lens through which market participants can view digital assets — one grounded in inherent value appreciation. The genius of AlwaysWin’s system lies in its organic regulation of supply and demand through algorithmically driven smart contracts rather than relying on artificial price inflation. The dual strategies of raffle and transaction destruction serve as autonomous stabilizers within the WIN economy, adeptly countering whimsical market volatilities and guaranteeing a consistent increase in the token’s value.

Market stability

It is crucial to acknowledge that the efficacy of this pricing mechanism hinges on robust community engagement and confidence in the system’s design. The community’s direct involvement in lotteries and transactions fuels the efficacy of this value stabilization system, with each act of participation signifying a stake and belief in WIN’s future potential. Furthermore, WIN’s pricing structure not only injects innovative insights into the evolution of cryptocurrencies but also challenges the orthodoxies of traditional monetary and financial systems. It underscores the vast capabilities of blockchain technology that transcend the mere creation of decentralized monetary platforms. Through intricate algorithms and smart contracts, digital assets can be engineered to fulfill precise economic roles, possibly revealing the intrinsic worth of blockchain.

Altogether, AlwaysWin has forged a distinctive economic habitat for the WIN token, underpinned by its innovative pricing framework and the vibrancy of its community engagement. This represents an accomplishment of technological and algorithmic ingenuity and a testament to the community’s collective agreement and participatory ethos. The trajectory of WIN stands as a benchmark for ingenuity in digital currency and embodies the essence of communal collaboration. As this economic model evolves and reaches maturity, it is reasonable to anticipate that it will introduce novel opportunities and challenges to the cryptocurrency landscape.




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